Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)
CVE® is a list of records—each containing an identification number, a description, and at least one public reference—for publicly known cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
CVE® is a list of records—each containing an identification number, a description, and at least one public reference—for publicly known cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
MITRE’s Ten Strategies of a World-Class CSOC book, describing detailed strategies, including how they crosscut elements of people, process, and technology to build, manage, and improve the CSOC.
A collection of CISA cybersecurity services can that help the broader cybersecurity community gain visibility with vulnerability trends, adversarial activities and, effective mitigations for better protection of their networks.
H-ISAC, Health Information Sharing and Analysis Center, is a global, non-profit, member-driven organization offering healthcare stakeholders a trusted community and forum for coordinating, collaborating and sharing vital physical and cyber threat intelligence and best practices with each other.
A collection of Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3) resources to aid in the protection of vital, healthcare-related controlled information and ensure that cybersecurity information sharing is coordinated across the Health and Public Health Sector (HPH).